







2 国家自然科学基金面上项目(30973510):自噬/溶酶体途径激活在缺血性脑中风中星形胶质细胞死亡中的作用及机制,2010-201232

3 教育部留学回国人员基金项目(K513400110):自噬/溶酶体途径激活在缺血性脑中风中星形胶质细胞死亡中的作用及机制,2010-20124



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Zhang HL,  Xu M, Wei C, Qin  AP, Liu CF, Hong LZ, Zhao XY, Liu J, Qin ZH. Neuroprotective effects of pioglitazone in a rat model of permanent focal cerebral ischemia are associated with PPARγ-mediated suppression of NF-kB signaling pathway. Neuronscience 2011, 176:381-395.

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Wang X, Qin ZH, Shi H, Savitz SI, Qin AP, Jiang Y, Zhang HL. Protective effect of Ginkgolids (A+B) is associated with inhibition of NIK/IKK/IkB/NF-kB signaling pathway in a rat model of permanent focal cerebral ischemia. Brain Research 2008, 12348-15.

Zhang HL, Huang Z, Gu ZL, Zhu Y, Liang ZQ, Han R, Wang XX, Chase TN, Qin ZH. Neuroprotective effects of prostaglandin A1 in animal models of focal ischemia. Brain Research  2005, 1039:203-206. 

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